- These drawings are designed for you to include with the package of drawings you submit for approval
- To complete, fill in the dimensions shown in the table, and add any desired title block and Bill of Material Information you desire
- You do not need to send this drawing to Peelle with your order. Peelle will manufacture your car door in accordance with the estimate in conformance with our standard design
- If your car door does not conform to any of the designs shown on the drawings or if you need a custom approval drawing, please contact our sales staff for a custom quote that includes custom approval drawings
Car Door Panels
Approval Drawings
Replacement Car Door Survey Sheets
- These drawings are designed to help you gather the information needed to manufacture replacement panels that meet your conditions
- To complete, fill in the dimensions shown on the survey sheets and add any informative notes or Bill of Material information
- Please include the survey sheets with your order. Peelle will manufacture your car door in accordance with the survey sheet. If information is missing, we will contact you. If you wish to receive a custom layout drawing, please contact us.
- If your car door panel does not conform to any of the designs shown on the drawings, please contact our sales staff for a custom quote